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Extra practice (Conjunctions and Inversions)


Extra Practice

Rearrange the words including SUBORDINATE CONJUNCTIONS (before, after, while, etc) to make complete sentences.

notes / explaining, / I / was / was / while / taking / teacher / the

While the teacher was explaining, I was taking notes.

are / classes /commute / don’t / have / I / my / online, / since / school / to / to

Since my classes are online, I don’t have to commute to school.

topic, / although / didn’t I / I / managed / pass / test / that / / to / the / understand

Although didn’t I understand the topic, I managed to pass the test.

a / a / computer / connect / do / from / from / others / phone / some / students / while

While other students connect from a computer, some others do from a phone.

class / English / I / I / if / in / in / increase / my / next / gain / score / the /test, wil /l points

If I increase my score in the next test in English class, I will gain points.

chores,/ do / go / unless / I / I / my / out / tonight / won’t

I won’t go out unless I do my chores.

body / care / concentration / increases / of / take / your / when / you / your

Your concentration increases when you take care of your body.

once / started / had / teacher / minutes / the / class / 5 / passed, the /

Once 5 minutes passed, the teacher had started the class.

before / routine / check / pilots / did / we / took / the / their / up / off,

Before we took off, the pilots did their check routine up.

after / could / differently / life / I / I / met / see / you,

After I met you, I could see life differently.

a / cold / for / in / spite / weather, / still / swim / the / of / we / went

Spite a the cold weather, we still went swim of in.

because / changed / completely / everything / the / pandemic, / of / has

Because the pandemic has completely changed everything

Write the following ideas in English. All of them include inversions.

Tal fue el impacto que todos quedamos sin palabras.

Such was the impact that we were all speechless.

No sólo sé hablar inglés sino otros 2 idiomas también.

Not only do I speak English but also 2 other languages.

En cuanto llegamos al aeropuerto, cerraron nuestro vuelo.

As soon as we arrived at the airport, they closed our flight.

El profesor no estaba en ningún sitio para entregarle nuestro proyecto.

The teacher was nowhere to deliver our project.

De ninguna manera puedes olvidar esos documentos para el viaje.

In no way can you forget those documents for the trip.

No fue hasta que compramos los boletos para el evento que pudimos emocionarnos.

It was not until we bought the tickets for the event that we were able to get excited.

Bajo ninguna circunstancia podrán los candidatos usar dispositivos electrónicos.

Under no circumstances may candidates use electronic devices.

Absolutamente nunca he hecho trampa en un examen.

I have absolutely never cheated on a test.

Rara vez un ponente tan reconocido visita nuestra empresa.

Rarely does such a renowned speaker visit our company.

En todo el semestre no nos hemos reunido de forma presencial ni una sola vez.

Throughout all the semester we haven’t met in person even once.

Complete the sentences with the right preposition. Say if you agree or disagree.

FES Aragon classrooms are adequate for having our classes.

I agree

Teachers are usually aware of our needs and feelings.

I agree

Our country is too dependent on others for food, technology, among others.

I agree

The few professors that we have in the program are suitable for Head of the International Relations Program.

I agree

I am quite familiar with the evaluation in all of my classes this semester.

I agree

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