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Actualizado: 10 feb 2022

1.How did you find out where Warren lives?

I just looked it up in my address book

2. I'm interested in the job that was advertised in the newspaper

Fine. Just fill in this application form

3. Don´t forget to fill out the date on your check

4. I suppose so. I saw her at a party last weekend, and she just gave me a cold shoulder.

5. Are you moving to Baltimore for good?

No, just for the time being.

6. You’re right. I should get rid of it.

7. Some companies give away free samples of new products in order to familiarize consumers with them.

8. “How’s that advanced computer class you’re taking, Polly?” “Not so good. I can’t understand a word that the teacher or any of the students are saying. I really feel like a fish out of water.

9. “Don’t you just hate all this graffiti?” “It is ugly, isn’t it? I’ve never understood why people get a kick out of writing on walls. It doesn’t seem like much fun to me.”

10.When the train stopped, a mysterious woman in a black raincoat get on the train and found her set

11.”Maxwell’s project will be very successful, I think”

“Oh, I don´t know I’m not sure it will ever get off the ground

12.Do you get along with your new roommate, or do you two argue?

13.”That run-down old house that David bought looks terrific”.

“Yes, he´s fixed it up beautifully, hasn´t he?”

14.”Has Edward get in touch with you lately?”

“No, he hasn´t. I don´t think he has my new telephone number.”

15.”Will the concert start soon?”

“It should get under way any minute now.”

16. Living by the ocean really gets in your blood. Once you´ve lived here you never want to leave

17. This is the last stop. Everyone has to get off the bus here

18. Professor Dumbar came down with the flu, so her teaching assistant get along with her for a few days

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