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A group of girls was in a coffee shop talking about a few topics, and they started to talk about the gender change in adolescence.

Andrea: To my mind, adolescence it's a very important phase for all people and, even if you don't want to. You can explore your body or your relations like friends, familiars or with your couple. I think that, if you are sure of your gender at this age, you can do it with the help of a professional.

Her friend listened to her and answered.

Marlene: I like these topics so much because sometimes the general people usually infer that we are some kind of freaks, and it upsets me so much. Understanding this point, gender dysphoria is such an important topic that should be discussed as any other educational or academic subject because there are teenagers that while in their development, realize that their sexual organs don't match their desired gender and the parents should understand it. If the teen and the parents have already regarded the subject, it should be the time where the parents accept that their child is going to start medical treatment, where the doctor will prescribe the correct hormones in which the teenager shows that they would be more comfortable now. We can also confirm that gender doesn't always relate to our born sexual organs.

Sofía Luna: I apologize for the comment, but I don't understand much about this topic

Sofia Mendez: Neither do I. Could you explain more about it, please?

Sofía Luna: What I know is that a person doesn't feel satisfied with the gender they were born with and identifies with the opposite gender which they were born.

Finally, Lourdes and Sofía said:

Lourdes: It is important to let young people in this stage of adolescence be able to express their true selves or the true way they feel or see themselves.

Sofia Mendez: But well, this can confuse older generations, ain’t it?

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